Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


Memorial Association to Honor Memory of Flyers. SACRAMENTO, December is to be established in (P) A museum of art and memorating the bravery of six men and one woman who lost their lives as participants of the Dole Air Derby to the in August, 1927, it Hawaiian Islands was stated articles of incorporation filed with Secretary of State Frank C. Jordan by the Dole Flight Memorial Association yesterday. flyers after flying from oaklandisappe toward Hawaii were Miss Doran and Auggie Pedlar of Michigan, Lieut. Vilas Knope, San Diego: Jack Frost, New York; William Erwin, Gordon Scott of Santa "Monica, and Alvin Eichwaldt of Hayward, Newark Cafe Is Held Up.

Evening Slippers for the Holidays Such a stunning variety of distinctive designs. It's a real thrill just to see them -and surely they make gorgeous gifts! Imported brocades, Paisley velvets and Crepe de Chines, featured at $13.50 to $22.50 Other evening to $12.50 "Lady Luxury" and "Propper" all-silk chiffon evening to $6 Rhinestone slipper buckles and ornaments make elegant gifts. $1.50 to $12.50 Rhinestone slipper heels, another most attractive gift idea. Very Boudoir Mules For the intimacy of her boudoir, here are the frilly, feminine slipper things every dainty woman longs to receive at Xmas time. $1.95 to $6 Other slippers-98c up "Lady Luxury" Silk Hosiery Silk hosiery which promises beauty and service--and SO takes front rank among gladly welcomed All-silk chiffons or service- thread Womenis Shop silks.

$1.45 $1.95 Two pairs, $2.75 Two pairs, $3.75 1207 St. Packed in attractive partment gift boxes. Give "Hahn" Slippers! Splendid ones for the men $2.95 Slippers so fine and soft, he will thank you from this Xmas until next! Made of extra quality brown kidskin. Elastic side Romeos. Kidlined Operas and Everetts with leather soles.

"Best Ever" turn, Moccasins, with padded soles. Choicest slippers to be found anywhere for $2.95. And for more extreme styles, we have green morocco, two-tone tan calf, red or blue kid and patent leather slippers, in rare variety at $3.95 Big Values at Small Cost for Women Special 98c New modernistic suede moccasins, in various colors, kid trim and pompon. And these fetching little checkered satine slippers with silk rosette and braided trim. Special $1.29 Pretty figured satin slippers with large side rosette, flexible soles and low wood heel.

Special $1.45 Blue, black or red kid boudoir slippers, with silk rosette. Soft padded soles. NEWARK, December 20 Two hundred feet from what Newark calls the second busiest street corner the world five men late yesterday entered a basem*nt cafe and robbed six employes and patrons, including an armed constable, of cash and jewelry valued at $4,000. The victims first were stripped of their outer clothing and locked in a washroom. Give any woman ENNA JETTICK Shoes for Christmas and she'll thank you from the "bottom of her sole!" You hear it on the air.

You hear it everywhere. "Enna Jetticks!" Throughout the country women are talking about these splendid Health shoes which make walking so easy. They support the arch and the weight of the body--making you feel energetic. And so good looking, so good wearing. Wonderful shoes for little money! Wouldn't it be a real blessing to get your women folks started in the habit of wearing "Enna Jettick" Shoes, this Xmas! Shown in goodly variety of attractive styles to fit any foot.

Sizes 3 to 10, AAAA to EEE widths. Exclusively in Washington at our 7th St. and "Arcade" stores. $5 $6 SHOES 3212-14th "Women's "Man's Shop" -14th at EX-REGENT OF D. A.

R. HERE TAKEN BY DEATH Mrs. James M. Willey, former State regent of the District of Columbia, Daughters of the American Revolution, and prominent in women's clubs here, died at her home in Vienna, yesterday afternoon after a short illness. She was 47 years old.

Mrs. Willey was State vice regent from 1924 to 1926, and prior to then was State recording secretary. She became regent in March, 1926, serving two years. She was a native of Ravenna, and came to this city from Oregon Mrs. Willey.

in 1914. During the World War she organized and headed a division of the War Trade Board and also established and supervised a departmental hospital during the influenza epidemic. She was a member of the Political Study Club, the Federation of Women's Clubs and the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Willey is survived by her husband, who is a railroad expert with the Interstate Commerce Commission; two sons, Paul and Harold; two daughters, Mrs.

R. P. Snyder of Vancouver, B. and Mrs. J.

M. Miller of San Pedro, and four sisters. Mrs. S. W.

Dalton of Vienna, Mrs. H. A. Van Horne, Portland, Mrs. H.

A. Kufus of Pomona, and Mrs. Harry Tawney of Santiago, Calif. Funeral services will be held at All TUXEDO SUITS Silk Trimmed Liberal Credit Terms $35 EISEMAN'S-7th OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT FINE MEN'S WEAR EISEMAN'S-7th RENT YOUR PIANO AT WORCH'S 1110 EST. 1879 Sensible Gifts for Children "Swagger Juniors." Patent or tan calf dressy storm boots, for misses and children.

$3 to $5 felt slippers. 95c Warm sheepskin moccasins. 79c Other slippers for children 49c to $2.50 "Hahn Special" dressy Winter oxfords, for misses and big girls. $4 $5 Special Sale children's sturdy patent tan calf Winter boots. Sizes to 11.

$2.29 Boys' Storm shoes of tan Wilo Elk. Overweight soles, extra Storm Welt, bellows tongue, straps and knife pocket. $5.50 $6.50 Tan elk moccasin school shoes. Easy on feet and hard on wear. $3.50 to $4.25 Sturdy school and dress shoes and exfords.

$3.50 to $5 Physician Dies DR. HUGH C. DUFFEY. Souls' Episcopal Church at 2 p.m. tomorrow.

Pallbearers will be Interstate Commerce Commissioners Clyde B. Aitcheson and Johnston B. Campbell: former Senator Thomas Sterling of South Dakota, Ernest Daniel, John M. Beavers, Col. E.

C. Heron, Arthur S. Field and Robert O. Lacey, James H. Underwood and Harry B.

Gauss. ment, which will be private, will take place in Rock Creek Cemetery. LABOR UNION HEAD DIES. BUFFALO, N. December 20 George P.

Hedricks, 64, of this city for the last 20 years international president of the Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers, died late last night at Dunville, Ontario. "He was en route from Albany to the brotherhood's headquarters fayette, when he was stricken with heart trouble. left outside Chevy Chase Theater Saturday, BICYCLE. Iver Johnson: red: No. 458872: December 15.

Reward for information leading to recovery. Call Clev. 6274. and Health." around 18th and Columbia rd. Finder please return to 1960 Biltmore st.

n.w. Reward. CAMEO PIN, between N. Cap. and sts.

to Kenilworth. Reward. Finder phone Hyattsville 598-M. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT No. F23911 for 8 shares of Great Northern preferred stock, issued in the name of the George Washington University.

The public is cautioned Against negotiating same. The George Washington University, Charles W. Holmes, comptroller. Washington. D.

C. DOG. vicinity of 15th and E. brown hound marked with white, with collar and chain attached. Reward.

P. Monaco, 1530 E. Cap. DOG, white, wire -haired fox terrier, female. Reward.

1872 Newton st. n.w. Adams 1895, DOG. brindle Boston Bull: wearing green. collar, white blaze and shawl; unclipped ears.

Clev. 3584. DOG, collie, brown and white. Tuesday, name tag No. 936.

Liberal reward if returned to 58 Eye st. n.e. DOG, Pomeranian, black with few white spots on tail. 1017 Otis pl. n.w.

Col. 9436. 4 EYEGLASSES. gold rim with arms; valued keepsake; vicinity 36th st. and Prospect ave.

n.w. Clev. 1471. Reward. GERMAN POLICE DOG.

female. brown and black, name "Pal." Reward. 3051 Vista st. n.e, Phone North 8329-J. HANDBAG.

lady's; black leather: containing check books, keys, letters, money: vicinity of Center Market. Reward. Address Box 18-R. Star office. HOUND DOG---Black and tan; vicinity of Clarendon, Tuesday evening.

Reward. 1309 st. n.w. KEYS, on or Swan st. N.

H. ave. and 14th st. n.w. Return to janitor, 1735 N.

H. ave. LOWER HALF or Sheaffer lifetime pen. Finder phone Atlantic 603. Reward.

MAN'S VEST- -Bet. 33rd and 36th on st. n.w. Reward. Return 1303 35th st.

n.w. POCKETBOOK, lady's, brown leather; Monnoon in 10c store on 7th st. Reward. Phone Decatur 3711. POLICE DOG, wolf gray, answers to name strayed last Friday from 1304 Farragut st.

n.w. Call Adams'4178 after 5:30 p.m. Reward. POODLE DOG, male, white, Tuesday evening. Reward.

Miller, Silver Spring 301. PURSE, small. with three $5 bills and change, in Franklin National Bank, Dec. 18. Reward.

Adams 1361. PURSE-Small, gray, with $20 bill, gold ring, pearl set. Reward. Phone Hyatts. 1512.

RING, sapphire, in Woodward Lothrop's, Wednesday. Reward. Call Adams 5407. RING Gentleman's little finger ring. in downtown shopping district, Wednesday: 2 diamonds.

ruby between. Phone Adams 4998. Reward. and black. male, deaf.

Reward if returned to 3011 Gates rd. n.w. Phone Cleve. 6248. WRIST WATCH.

lady's: gold, with chain. Please notify. North 6001. Reward. DR.

HUGH C. DUFFEY IS CALLED BY DEATH Funeral Services for Washington Physician to Be Conducted Saturday Afternoon. Dr. Hugh C. Duffey, 30 years old, of 4201 Illinois avenue, died in George Washington University Hospital yesterday after a short illness.

Funeral services will be conducted in the Petworth M. E. Church Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Dr.

Duffey, who was the son of the late Dr. Hugh Clarence Duffey, was graduated from the George Washington Medical School in 1925, after which he served for a year in the Army Medical Corps at Walter Reed Hospital. He was a graduate of McKinley High School. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Dorothy E.

Duffep; a daughter, Mary Elizabeth Duffey; a sister, Mrs. Mary H. Kramer, and two brothers, Dr. Depew H. Duffey and Horace Duffey, all of this city.

Dr. Duffey was a member of the District of Columbia Medical Society, the George Washington Medical Society and of the Medical Society of Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ALMUS R.SPEARE Succeeding the original W. R.

Speare Co. 1623 Connecticut Ave. Potomac 4600 8 yrs. at 1208 45 yrs. at 940 st.

Wm. H. Sardo Co. Private Limousine Ambulance 412 St. N.E.

Lincoln 524 Modern Chapel Frank Geier's Sons Co. 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. Main 2473 Modern Chapel. Telephone ESTABLISHED 1876.

JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. 1337 10th St. N.W. Phone North 47.

NALLEY 28 experience years' Formerly 131 11th St. S.E. No Branch Office 522 8th St. S.E. Linc.

4-8-0 CHAS. S. ZURHORST 301 EAST CAPITOL ST. Phone Lincoln 372. Quick.

Dignified, Efficient Automobile Service Chapel W. W. Deal Co. 816 ST. N.E.

LINCOLN 8200. J. WILLIAM, LEE, Funeral Director and Embalmer. Livery in connection. Commodious chapel.

Modern Crematoriums. Moderate prices. 332 Pa. ave. n.w.

Call M. 1385. T. F. COSTELLO 1724 North Capitol St.

NORTH 7978. Joseph F. Birch's Sons (ISAAC BIRCH) St. N.W. Phone Established West 1841 96 3034 V.

L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successors of nor connected with the original Speare establishment. "1009 St. N.W Phone Frank.

6626 Formerly 940 St. N.W. FUNERAL DESIGNS. We are skilled in selecting and ranging flowers to secure the best effect. Prompt service.

L. C. PRICHARD (Inc.) Cor. 11th Sts. M.


TEL. M. 106, M. 2416. Our Only Store, 14th Eye Prompt Auto Delivery Service.

Gude Bros. 1212 St. BLACKISTONE, 1407 Beautiful Floral Designs $5 and up CALL MAIN 3707. Another Big Lot Just Received -of these women's Silk Stockings that are selling so briskly for as gifts. $1.15 2 prs.

$2.25 In a dozen of the new Silk to top shades. Nice- Sheer Chiffons ly boxed for and Service giving. Weight Silks. Gifty Men's Socks Pure Silk half hose, novelty Winter lisles. Choice of dozens of attractive designs-.

stripes, zig zags and other new effects and plain colors much below current off rings. 65c 3 prs. $1.50 Women's Collegiate Boys' and girls' socks--to wear over novelty sports hose silk hosea attractive designs50c to $1.50 $1 Prompt service all' our "Stocking SHOES 3212 St: and deliveries at Shops." St. at Card nf Thanks. HANVEY, DORA 1.

I wish to extend my sincere thanks to our friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended to me at the death of my beloved wife. DORA I. HANVEY. WILLIAM S. HANVEY.

Deaths. BEALL. ANNA D. Suddenly, on Wednesday, December 19. 1928.

at her residence. Lay Hill. ANNA wife of Edmund D. Beall. Funeral from her late residence Friday, December 21, 1928.

at 2 p.m. Interment Rockville Union Cemetery. BENNIE. CRAWFORD. Suddenly, on Wednesday, December 19, 1928, at his residence, 5735 9th st.

n.w.. CRAWFORD, husband of Gwennie Bennie. Funeral from his late residence on Saturday, December 22. at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery.

21 BENTLEY, ELIZABETH FRAZIER. On Thursday, December 20. 1928. at her restdence, Lanham. ELIZABETH FRAZIER BENTLEY.

beloved daughter of the late Charles Williams and Ann Laty Eentley of Baltimore and Bentley Springs. Md. Funeral services will be heid at her late residence on Monday, December 24, at 10:30 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore.

Md. BENTZLER, ANNA R. On Tuesday, December 18, 1928, ANNA R. BENTZLER, beloved wife of the late John Bentzler and mother of Edna, Bassett and Forest Bentzler. Funeral from her late residence, 4221 8th st.

n.w., on Friday. December 21, at 3:30 a.m.. Requiem mass at St. Gabriel's Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited.

Interment in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. BRADFORD, SANFORD. On Wednesday, December 19, 1928. SANFORD BRADFORD, beloved husband of Martha Bradford.

He also leaves 10 children and 14 grandchildren. Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis Co. funeral parlors, 2222 Ga.

ave. n.w. "Sleep in Jesus, blessed sleep." BYERS. WALTER D. On Thursday, December.

20, 1928, at Sibley Memorial Hospital. WALTER beloved husband of Laura Byers, of '627 st. n.e. Remains resting at Zurhorst's funeral parlors. 301 East Capitol st.

Notice of funeral hereafter. (Charlottesville and Alexandria, papers please copy.) CROXALL. AGNES B. On Thursday, December 20. 1928.

at George Washington Hospital. AGNES B. CROXALL. beloved wife of the late Morris L. Croxall.

Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st.

n.w., Saturday, December 22. at 2 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 21 DAVISON, ALPHEUS J. On Wednesday, December 19.

1923, at his residence. 5506 Illinois ave. n.w., ALPHEUS J. DAVISON, beloved husband of Gertrude L. Davison.

Funeral from his late residence Friday, December 21. at 2 p.m. Interment at Cedar Hill Cemetery. DEAVERS, WILLIAM H. Departed this life on Tuesday, December 18, 1928, at Providence Hospital, at 11:45 a.m..

WILLIAM beloved husband of Elsie Deavers (nee Curtin). Funeral services to be conducted at his residence, 523 14th st. s.e., Friday, December 21, at 11 a.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery, Friends and relatives invited. 20 DI GIUSEPPE, ANTONIO.

On Thursday. December 20, 1928. at his residence, 645 2nd st. n.e.. ANTONIO, the beloved husband of Candita Di Guiseppe.

Funeral from his late residence on Saturday, December 22. at 8:30 a.m., thence to the Holy Rosary Church, where high mass will be sung at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment St.

Mary's Cemetery. 21 DUFFEY, HUGH C. On Wednesday. December 19, 1928. at George Washington Hospital.

HUGH C. DUFFEY, M. beloved husband of Dorothy E. Duffey. Funeral from the Petworth M.

E. Church, 4214 New Hampshire ave. n.w.._ Saturday, December 22, at 2:30 p.m. Interment (private) in Rock Creek Cemetery. GADDIS, ALBERT H.

On Wednesday, December 19. 1928. at Emergency Hospital, ALBERT HI. GADDIS, aged 37 years, beloved husband of Sarah E. Gaddis (nee Mumford), son of Bessie E.

Gaddis and the late Leroy Gaddis. sr. Funeral services from the S. H. Hines Co.

funeral home, 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. December 21, at 1 p.m. Interment Bethel Cemetery, Alexandria.

Va. GARDNER. MARY ELLEN. On Monday, December 16. 1928, at her residence.

Knox Station, MARY ELLEN GARDNER, devoted wife of Isaac Gardner mother of William H. and Isaac Gardner, jr. Funeral Friday, December 21. from Mount Salvation Baptist Church, Halls Hill, Va. GARDNER, MARY E.

United Order of Tent J. R. G. and Jollifee Union are cordially invited to be with Purity Tent. 184, at funeral of Sister MARY E.

GARDNER from Mount Salvation Church. Halls Hill, Friday, December 21, 1928. at p.m. LUCRETIA LEWIS, Leader, MARIAN HARDY, Fin. Sec.

HAMMERSLEY, WILLIAM EDWARD. On December 18, 1928. at his residence, 1100 Cameron Alexandria, WILLIAM EDWARD. beloved husband of the late Isabelle R. Hammersley.

Funeral from the above residence Friday. December 21, at 4 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Bethel Cemetery. 20 HEIN.

SILVIO. The Authors' League of America learns with sorrow of the death of a loyal and valued member. ARTHUR TRAIN, President. 22 JONES, CATHERINE. On Wednesday, December 19.

1928. at George Washington University Hospital. CATHERINE JONES. aged 60 years. Funeral from H.

M. Padgett's funeral home. 131 11th st. s.e.. Friday, December 21, at 2 p.m.

Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. KALHOUN, LOUIS. Suddenly, on Tuesday, December 18, 1928. LOUIS, beloved husband of the late Caroline, Kalhoun. Funeral from his late residence, First st.

gate. United States Soldiers' Home. on Friday, December 21. at 1:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited.

Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 20 KALHOUN, LOUIS. Comrades of Richard J. Harden Camp. No.

2, U. S. W. are requested to meet Friday, December 21. 1928.

at 1:30 p.m., to attend the funeral of our late comrade. LOUIS KALHOUN. from his residence, First Street Gate of Soldiers' Home. HARRY J. SHERWOOD.

Commander. KANNGIESSER. JOSEPH. Suddenly, on Wednesday, December 19, 1928, at Dayton. Ohio.

JOSEPH KANNGIESSER. Funeral from the chapel of Clyde J. Nichols, 4209 9th st. n.w.. on Friday, December 21, 1928.

at 2 p.m. Interment at Arlington National Cemetery. KRIGBAUM. SAMUEL. Suddenly, December 19.

1923. at his home. 109 Beech Clarendon. SAMUEL. in his 51st year.

husband of Mae Warren Kriebaum. Funeral from his home Friday, December 21. at 2 m. Interment at Congressional Cemetery. LEWIS, WILLIAM.

Departed this lite Wednesday, December 19, 1928. at Providence Hospital, WILLIAM LEWIS. the beloved husband of Eliza Lewis. He also leaves to mourn his departure a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T.

Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts S.W. Notice of funeral later. MADISON, CARRIE. On Monday, December 17.

1928. residence, 2326 8th st. n.w., CARRIE MADISON. daughter of Amy Henderson. mother of Leon Madison.

sister of Mary Pyatt and grandniece of Edward T. Gray of New York City. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis Co. funeral parlors.

2222 Ga. ave. n.w. Funeral Friday, December 21, at 2 p.m.. from the Church of Our Redeemer.

8th st. between Florida ave. and Barry pl. n.W. MAHAN.

EMMA W. On Tuesday. December 18, 1928. EMMA beloved wife of the late Frederick P. Mahan.

Funeral services at her late residence, 424 17th st. s.e.. On Thursday, December 20, at 8 o'clock p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Hatboro, Pa.

MEHLINGER. CATHERINE HAYES. Passed peacefully into rest on December 19, 1923. at the residence of her daughters. 1924 17th st.

n.W.. CATHERINE HAYES MEHLINGER. devoted wife of Ferdinand and loving mother of Capt. Louis R. Mehlinger.

Mayme M. White and Lillie M. Coleman. Funeral from the parlors of Ruth Dabnev. 453 st.

n.w.. on Saturday, December 22. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Harmony Cemetery.

MILLER, LIZZIE. On Wednesday, December 19, 2 a.m.. at her daughter's residence, Mrs. Frank Grady (nee Miller), 122 Kentucky ave. s.e..

Mrs. LIZZIE MILLER. beloved wife of the late Morgan Miller. formerly of Md. She is survived by her daughters, Mrs.

Laura Dickens. Mrs. Albert Prevost. Mrs. Frank Grady: two sons.

W. A. Miller and Harmon Miller; two grandchildren, and 8 sister. Mrs. Emma Bussard.

Interment will be at Sharpsburg, Friday. December 21. Mount View Cemetery. (Hagerstown and Boonsboro papers please copy). 20 MORRIS.

ROBERT. On Tuesday, December 18. 1928. ROBERT MORRIS. devoted brother of William Morris.

Funeral Friday. December 21. at 1 p.m., from the W. Ernest Jaryis Co. funeral parlors, 2222 Georgia ave.

n.w. 20 MURPHY, GEORGE. On December 18, 1928. GEORGE MURPHY. beloved brother of Mrs.

Alice Allen. Funeral from Hanlon's funeral chapel. .641 st. n.e.. Friday, December 21, at 8:45 a.m.

mass at Holy Trinity Church. Georgetown. D. at 9:30 a.m. Interment at Holy Rood Cemetery.

Relatives and friends invited. 18, 1928. at Emergency Hospital. MARY MURRAY. MARY On Tuesday, December E.

MURRAY. aged 30 years. Remains resting at Moon Allen funeral parlors. 2256 12th st. n.w.

Funeral services Saturday. December 22. at 2 p.m.. at Mount Airy Baptist Church. 15th and sts.

n.w. MYERS. MARY REED YARBOROUGH. On Thursday, December 20, 1928, in her ninety-third year, at the residence of her son, Thomas H. Myers, of 3904 Jocelyn Chevy Chase.

D. MARY REED YARBOROUGH MYERS. widow of James Oliver Myers. Funeral services at the above residence on Saturday. December 22.

at 10 8.111. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Frederick, Md. Relatives and friends invited (Chicago. Baltimore.

and Buffalo, N. papers please copy.) 21 NELSON. JAMES H. Departed this life Tuesday, December 18, 1928, JAMES H. NELSON.

devoted father of William, Ernest, Lewis and Kenneth Nelson. Mrs. Oliver Dixon. Mrs. Fred Jackson, Mrs.

Mary F. Taylor and Mrs. Charles Johnson. Remains resting at the James H. Winslow Co.

funeral chapel. Notice of funeral hereafter. PEAKE, CHARLES P. Suddenly, on Wednesday, December 19, 1928, at his residence. 912 7th st.

n.e.. CHARLES P. PEAKE. beloved husband of Theresa Peake, aged 70 years. He was 3 member of Columbia Typographical Union.

No. 101. Funeral from his late residence on Friday. December 21. at 3 p.m.

Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. LOST. Deaths. RISTON, at IDA her E.

On residence. Tuesday, 1105 December st. s.w.. 18, IDA widow of George H. Riston.

Remains resting at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Chase Nash. 910 6th st. s.w.

Funeral from Gorsuch M. E. Church on Friday. December 21. at 2 p.m.

Relatires and friends invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 20 RYON. N. MELVIN.

Suddenly, on Tuesday. December 18, 1928. at Bowle. N. METVIN, beloved son of John W.

and Anna R. P.yon. aged 22 vears. Funeral from Bowie M. E.

Church on Friday. December 21. at 1:30 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. SCOTT.

DR. JAMES SR. On Tuesday. December 18. 1928.

at his residence. 718 'S st. n.w.. Dr. JAMES C.

SCOTT. devoted husband of Dora Scott and father of James Laura Hammond and Robert Scott and Susie E. Page. Funeral Thursday. December 20.

at 8 p.m.. from Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. and services will also be held at the First Baptist Church. Warrenton. on Friday, December 21, at 1 p.m.

20 STABLER, ASA M. On Wednesday, December 19, 1928. ASA M. STABLER. in his ninety-second year.

Funeral Fridav. Drcember 21. at 2:30 p.m.. from Friends Meeting House at Sandy Spring. Md.

20 TENLY. ANNIE M. Suddenly, on Wednesdav. December 19. 1928.

at her residence, 5066 Sherier pl. n.w.. ANNIE M. TENLY. Funeral services at the residence of her daughter.

Mrs. Helen Chase. 1152 Abbey pl. n.e.. Saturday, December 22, at 2 n.in.

21 THOMPSON. ANNIE. Departed this life Wednesday. December 19. 1928.

at 12:40 a.m., ANNIE THOMPSON of 1522 6th st. n.w.. devoted wife of the late Charles H. Thompson: loving daughter of Patsy White and the late Washington Carter: devoted mother of Eva A. Thompson and Sadie R.

Tipton: sister of Rebecca White and Lucy Woolen. Funeral Sunday. December 23, at 1:30 p.m.. from Enon Baptist Church. st.

between 6th and 7th sts. s.e.. Rev. L. C.

Scott. pastor. Relatives and friends invited to attend. THOMPSON. ANNIE.

The officers and members of Eudora Household of Ruth. 1267. are requested to attend 3 call meeting at the hall Friday night to arrange for the burial of Sister ANNIE THOMPSON. Funeral Sundav. December 23, at 1:30 p.m..

from Enon Baptist Church. st. between 6th and 7th sts. s.e. AMANDA PERRY, M.


Departed this life after a brief illness. Tuesday. December 18. 1928. at 2:20 p.m..

at his residence. 1318 28th st. n.w.. CHARLES THOMPSON. husband of the late June Thompson.

He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Mary E. Hurdle Thompson: two daughters. Grace Thompson McAliley and Bessie Thompson Chives: one sister. Mrs.

Jane Wayman: two sons-in-law. Werren McAliley and Edward Chives. He also leaves six grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Friday. December 21.

at 2 p.m. from the Mount Zion M. E. Church. at 29th st.

between Dumbarton ave. and 0 st. n.w. Remains may be viewed at the residence of his daughter. 1236 25th st.

n.w. TWITCHELL. FLORENCE. daughter of the late Dr. Samuel Twitchell and Elizabeth Chesley.

Funeral services at the residence of Granville F. Dailey. 1075 Park New York Citv. on Friday afternoon at 3 c'clock. Interment Woodlawn.

WILLEY. MRS. MAUD TAWNEY. On Wednesday, December 19. 1928.

at Vienna. Mrs. MAUD TAWNEY WILLEY. beloved wife of James M. Willey.

Notice of funeral later. WOODRUFF. ELIZABETH A. On Wednesday. December 19.

1928. ELIZABETH A. WOODRUFF. at her residence. 825 10th st.

n.e. Funeral from her late residence, Friday. December 21, at 3 p.m. Burial in Connecticut. In Memorian.

BROWN, IDA E. In loving remembrance of our dear mother. IDA E. BROWN, who departed this life six years. ago today, December 20, 1922.

Dear mother, we loved you, But God loved you best. God has taken you to glory, evermore to rest. HER DEVOTED DAUGHTERS. MARY E. PIERCE AND NANCY L.

DARDEN. CAMPER. CARRIE A. A tribute of love to the memory of dear mother, CARRIE A. CAMPER.

who passed to the great beyond fourteen years ago today, December 20, 1914. HER DEVOTED DAUGHTER. FLORINE M. WINTHROP. CLARK, HARRIET A.

In sad but loving remembrance of our dear wife and mother, HARRIET A. CLARK. who departed this life one year ago today, December 20, 1927. No one knows the silent heartache, Only those who have lost can tell Of grief that is borne in silence For the one we love so well. DEVOTED HUSBAND AND DAUGHTER, CHARLES CLARK AND BESSIE SIMMONS.

CLARK. HARRIET A. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear friend. HARRIET A. CLARK.

who departed this life one year ago today. December 20, 1927. Sadly missed. MARIE AND JENNIE. CROPP.

MARY GENEVA. Sacred to the the memory of our dearly beloved doughter and sister. MARY GENEVA CROPP, who left us two years ago today, December 20. 1926. THE FAMILY.

As remember long as thee life and memory last MOTHER. I will DENNISON. ALICE S. In sad but loving remembrance of my beloved mother. who departed this life six years ago today.

December 20. 1922. Sleep on. dear mother. and take thy rest: We loved you here, but God loved you best.

LOVING DAUGHTER. PEARL. DENNISON, ALICE S. A tribute of love to the memory of my dear mother, ALICE S. DENNISON, who passed away six years ago today.

December 20, 1922. At home in the beautiful hills of God. In the garden of rest. so fair. Some day, dear mother, when iny work is done.

I will meet you at home. over there. LOVING DAUGHTER, EVA. FLANAGAN, NELLIE S. In sad but loving remembrance of our mother.

NELLIE S. FLANAGAN, who departed this life one ago today, December 20, 1927. You have left us sad and lonely; You have found a place of rest: But your tender and loving ways Will lead us on to you some day. DAUGHTER AND SON, NELLIE AND JERRY. HAMMOND.

GEORGE W. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear husband and three years ago today, December 20. 1925. father. GEORGE W.

HAMMOND, A who died HIS WIFE. DAUGHTER AND SON. MILLER. JOHN G. In sad but loving remembrance of my dear husband and our father.

JOHN G. MILLER. who passed away one year ago today, December 20, 1927. The blow was hard. the shock severe; We little thought his death was near.

Only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. HIS WIFE. MARY E. MILLER. AND DAUGHTERS.

ROBINSON. ELLA. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother. ELLA ROBINSON, who departed this life seven years ago today, December 20, 1921. A loving mother.

so good and kind. No friend on earth like her we find. Sad was the hour of that unhappy day When God called our darling mother away. HER LOVING CHILDREN, BERNICE AND LEONARD. SMILER.

JOHN T. and MARY E. In loving memory of my beloved parents. JOHN T. SMILER.

who departed this life April 3. 1919. and MARY E. SMILER. December 20.

1925. THEIR DEVOTED SON. WATSON, J. E. In loving WATSON, remembrance of my dear husband, J.

E. who departed this life four years ago today, December 20. 1924. My life is lonesome. My heart is filled with pain.



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Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.